Courvoisier 21 Year Cognac 750ml




Courvoisier 21 Year old Cognac 750ml

arguably the most exclusive cognac-making region, that have been aged in the cellars at Maison Courvoisier for over two decades. Courvoisier 21 Year Old features unique and extraordinary cognac not less than 21 years old, allowing the maturing cognac to blossom and achieve its full aroma and flavor potential.

Taste Notes

Nose: On the nose, the first notes are dried hazelnut, dried apricots and figs, followed slowly by notes of cocoa, honey and smooth spices like white pepper and coriander.

Finish: The finish brings subtle notes of leather and fine cigar.

Palate: On the palate, the aromatic notes deepen into candied orange and gingerbread, leading to a smooth and voluptuous finish with exquisite depth that seems to go on forever.



Category Cognac Whiskey
ABV 41%
Origin France
Distillery Courvoisier distillery


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